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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Co-Founder Of Trump-Russia Dossier Firm Cancels Testimony While Lynch Claims Ignorance

The ongoing efforts to bring down Donald Trump are unraveling at an accelerating pace...

After it was revealed that Rob Goldstone - the man who arranged the now infamous Trump Jr. "setup" with a shady Russian attorney, is associated with Fusion GPS - the firm behind the largely discredited 35 page Trump-Russia dossier, the co-founder of Fusion GPS abruptly canceled his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week to testify in the ongoing probe into Russian influence in the 2016 election, according to Politico.

The committee announced Wednesday that Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS was scheduled to voluntarily appear on July 19.

During the 2016 US election, Simpson's firm hired former British spy Christopher Steele to produce the 35 page dossier, accusing then-candidate Donald Trump of all sorts of salacious dealings with Russians. When Steele couldn't verify it's claims, the FBI refused to pay him $50,000 for the report - which didn't stop John McCain from hand-delivering it to former FBI director James Comey, or the Obama Administration from using it to start spying on Trump associate Carter Page.

That's two attempts to take down President Trump involving Fusion GPS.



  1. Why would a person NOT want to testify if they have the evidence? Why did Susan Rice say I no nothing about surveillance then 3 days later remember running the 1 year long surveillance operation? Why has Susan Rice refuse to testify? These are the key people with ALL the evidence, right? Or MAYBE it's all BS just like The PRODUCERS of CNN stated.

  2. This is getting so tiresome. The whiners, the resist crowd, the Clinton drones, all need to take a hike for a few years, or at least STFU.

  3. They ALL (dems) definitely left a rancid stench in DC.

  4. Democrats are killing their brand and it's awesome.


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