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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chicago Reporter: Exposing LGBT Dyke March’s Jew Ban ‘Cost Me My Job’

A reporter has admitted that exposing the ban on Jews at the Chicago Dyke March last month caused her to lose job, following public and media inquiries.

Gretchen Rachel Hammond of the Windy City Times admitted her demotion in a post on Twitter, Monday.

Sorry y'all! Definitely didn't know the violent history of the term. We meant Zionist/white tears replenish our electrolytes 😭
You attacked, humiliated and robbed me of a job. No tears. I forgive you. Just hope you learn how destructive and pointless hatred is.

“You attacked, humiliated and robbed me of a job,” wrote Hammond in response to the Chicago Dyke March’s official Twitter account. “No tears. I forgive you. Just hope you learn how destructive and pointless hatred is.”



  1. I don't understand the issue:

    Why would LGBTQY have an issue with WHO attends?
    Especially, why would they have an issue with Jewish people attending?

    I am unaware of a Jewish conspiracy against the LGBTQY agenda.

  2. 12:40 - You are correct and most Jewish people are very tolerant. Just goes to show how ignorant these groups are.


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