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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

British spy points at McCain in Russia-Trump dossier case

WASHINGTON - Sen. John McCain faces questions in a defamation lawsuit about leaks leading to publication of the now-infamous dossier that alleged Donald Trump’s campaign had connections to Russian operatives, McClatchy has learned.

The dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and his London firm, Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd., amounted to a collection of uncorroborated reports of collusion gathered as political research for sale to Trump’s opponents. It proved explosive when published by online news site BuzzFeed on Jan. 10.

Now, two lawsuits — one in the United States and a second in the U.K. — are being brought by lawyers for Aleksej Gubarev, a Cyprus-based Internet entrepreneur whom Steele’s Russian sources accused of cyber spying against the Democratic Party leadership.



  1. This is crap. McCain would the very last person to collaborate with the nation that helped vietnam torture and inprison him for six years. Utter bs.

    1. Hes a fake, and this would not surprise me, hes been fighting Trumps Presidency since the beginning, start searching out REAL news and not fake MSM news

    2. Yes, McCain is a fossil. I agree but he us a good and decemlnt centrist. Just as we dont all follow Trump like zombies. He is a human and probably hates Trump because of how disrespectful he wss of his military service and being shot down serving this nation, something Trump never did. Sorry 750, im not buying it.

    3. 6:55 You sure about that?

    4. 917 since you asked, yes.

  2. I beg to differ McCain is a dinosaur who will do anything to hang on. One of the never Trumper rinos. Time to go. Just another millionaire who ain't got a clue. Gave the election to obummer last time around. Total sellout.

  3. McCain has become an enemy of the USA using his "Pass" as a POW to subvert our Country.

    He needs a Force-Out by any means possible.

    1. Enemy of the US because he disagrees with someone (trump)? Are you dor real? You sound insane. The ironic thing is im 99.9% positive that, if you bothered to vote, you voted for him in '08.

  4. Why is this old man still in office? He is not a Supreme Court Justice (lifer).
    I did vote for this brain dead dude only because of the alternative, plus he had Sara Palin propping him up.
    He is no different than the fat failed presidential candidate (shoe-in) that President Donald J. Trump ran off stage. Sore loser.


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