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Monday, July 03, 2017

Brian Frosh is Lying, and Everybody Knows It

We’ve chronicled the fact that Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh is an undignified partisan hack before, but his latest stunt really takes the cake.

In responding to the redistricting lawsuit against the state of Maryland, Frosh had the audacity to say that Republican voters were not targeted in the redistricting lawsuit. Really:

Frosh, a Democrat, countered Friday that there is no evidence the General Assembly targeted individual Republicans for retribution. He also noted that a voter isn’t entitled to be represented in Congress by someone of like mind.

“All of plaintiffs’ arguments hinge on a single false premise: That individuals who affiliate with a party have a right to maintain electoral successes gained by their party under prior redistricting maps,” Frosh wrote. “Plaintiffs have produced no evidence that any decision maker ‘specifically intended to burden the representational rights of certain citizens.'”



  1. Just another one of the friends of Liberal Jim.

  2. No proof? Didn't the former governor admit to gerrymandering to further the Dems' agenda and put his friends in office?


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