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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Breaking News: Vladimir Putin said 755 U.S. diplomats must leave Russia

Mr. Putin announced the move in response to the new law passed in Congress last week expanding sanctions against Russia.

Although the expulsions had been announced on Friday, the president’s statement was the first to confirm the large number involved.


  1. I hope all of you numb nuts liberals are happy.You've managed to piss Russia off with unfounded allegations.I'm just sorry our president is being pushed into compliance.

  2. WOW if this isn't the beginning of WW3. We're in a pissing match with China now add Russia in the mix. Iran unsuccessful in misske launch. North Korea now capable of reaching anywhere in US with ballistic missile. South Korea upset about our missile interception weapons in their country, on and on and on. And we have all this going on in the world only to have a piss ant like Jake day spewing his ignorant dialect.

  3. 3:08 100% correct! Congress are a bunch of idiots!

  4. Why 755 diplomats in Russia? At what cost to taxpayers?

  5. Why in the world do we have 755 diplomats over there?

    1. Ask Hillary or the horses' head that followed her?

  6. Don't poke the bear.

  7. 3:08. Liberals? Almost every member of congress, Democrats and Republicans alike voted to increase sanctions.

    1. This will hurt all of Europe. Sad. Russia wanted to use liberals and media to meddle in our election by attacking each other and they did it. Clinton fueled the fire with CNN. it's all very sad.

  8. They are not diplomats. Nor is the entire Russian contingent here all diplomats. Just a little game the spies play with each other.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    WOW if this isn't the beginning of WW3. We're in a pissing match with China now add Russia in the mix. Iran unsuccessful in misske launch. North Korea now capable of reaching anywhere in US with ballistic missile. South Korea upset about our missile interception weapons in their country, on and on and on. And we have all this going on in the world only to have a piss ant like Jake day spewing his ignorant dialect.

    July 30, 2017 at 3:44 PM

    From what I have read researching what you claim about N. Korea, "anywhere in the U.S." means Alaska and maybe Cali. They had two successful launches out of six attempts, and neither had the extra weight of a warhead.

    From what I read they only have one missile with the capability of hitting major cities in the U.S. and it's still iffy right now.

    But, they soon may have developed their tech to succeed in what you claim, just not right now.

    2020 I think was the year I read. But I'm glad I looked it up. They are still more advanced than I thought. But what Kim, and other leaders of different countries, need to realize is that obammy is no longer in the WH. We now have a real leader and one who is not scared of shooting in their direction, thank God.

    I don't understand why S. Korea would be upset at anything we have there. The last time I knew they were our allies. Has that changed?

    One thing I agree with is that WWIII is coming. It seems like some of our pols are pushing for it with all this crap about Russia. They keep poking that bear with a stick and that bear is one day gonna get mad and not take it anymore.

    Even Putin asked Megyn if we had lost our minds over here. I think for some, the answer is yes.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Why in the world do we have 755 diplomats over there?

    July 30, 2017 at 4:35 PM

    The same reason they had the same number over here. Russia is doing exactly what we have already done to him.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I hope all of you numb nuts liberals are happy.You've managed to piss Russia off with unfounded allegations.I'm just sorry our president is being pushed into compliance.

    July 30, 2017 at 3:08 PM

    I can't tell you how happy I was to open up the comment section and see this wonderfully worded paragraph from you. It's such a refreshing use of the English language. Much better than the mundane intelligent chatter I expected to see. Thank you.

  12. I done said it onced on another spot on here but I got get off my chest. I got my 4-10 waiting on those commies when they try comming over here

  13. All it takes to cripple the US is an EMP in the atmosphere to fry the power grids. Guess where most transformers are made? China. Guess how many we have in stock? 0. Guess how long it takes to manufacture one? Two years.
    From Dept of Defense:
    "Large power transformers are essential critical infrastructure to the electric grid, and are huge, weighing up to 820,000 pounds. If large power transformers are destroyed by a geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) electromagnetic pulse (EMP), cyber-attack, sabotage, severe weather, floods, or simply old age, parts or all of the electric grid could be down in a region for 6 months to 2 years. This is because the USA imports 85% of them, there is competition with other nations for limited production and raw materials such as special grade electrical steel, a high cost ranging from $2.5 to $10 million dollars (including transport/installation), and they are custom built, with long lead times to design, bid, manufacture, and deliver, with components depending on long foreign production and supply chains."

    Yet we can't get Congress to fund strengthening/protecting our grid. Imagine 2 years without power.

  14. 3:08 blaming liberals when Republicans have every branch of government, typical. Now suddenly everyone's pro-Russia?


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