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Friday, July 07, 2017

Breaking News: U.S. employers added 222,000 jobs to their payrolls in June, more than expected. The jobless rate edged up to 4.4 percent.

The Labor Department released the June hiring and unemployment figures on Friday morning. This is the latest official snapshot of the state of the American economy.

• 222,000 jobs were added last month. Wall Street economists had expected employment gains of 175,000.

• The unemployment rate was 4.4 percent. May’s jobless rate was 4.3 percent.

• The average hourly wage grew by 2.5 percent from a year earlier.


  1. Time to reinstate the work requirement for welfare and food stamps. Then there will be plenty of Americans for those jobs.

  2. unemployment is really at least double since many are not looking officially for jobs/not receiving unemployment.

    Figure almost 10%...

  3. Trump had nothing to do with this, it was the Russians!

    1. nope....Obameeee said it is George Bushes fault

  4. 944
    John Williams, Shadow Stats provides accurate measures of all government metrics.
    You are right.


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