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Tuesday, July 04, 2017

BREAKING NEWS The U.S. and South Korea conducted joint missile exercises after the Pentagon confirmed North Korea's launch of an ICBM

The Trump administration on Tuesday confirmed North Korea’s claim that it had launched an intercontinental ballistic missile. It told Pyongyang that the United States would use “the full range of capabilities at our disposal against the growing threat.”

The administration followed up that warning with a joint military exercise in which United States and South Korean forces fired missiles in the waters along the Peninsula’s east coast as a show of power.

North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, called the launch a milestone in its efforts to build nuclear weapons capable of hitting the American mainland.


  1. ohhhhhh, I bet that really scares that bunch of flying monkeys. It would have meant more if they had launched them INTO N. Korea. Its going to happen sooner or later so let's just get it the hell on NOW.

    1. Agreed..time to make the entire landscape of North Korea a parking lot.

  2. Oh great. This ought to be catastrophic. Unfortunately, this problem has few solutions except patiently waiting for the Nk people to rise up. We have got to learn that not every problem is there for us to fix. And I mean this in no way as an affront to our dedicated military men and women. It's not our fight and there is no winning to be had here.

    1. Yeah...that strategy has worked real well. Time to rip the bandaid off.

    2. When NK threatens the US and its people, it is our problem to fix. I fully support it.

  3. This is no laughing matter. The situation is very real and deserves a lot more attention than many news organizations are giving it right now due to the holiday. Word is now Russia has joined the US and China to put the kibosh on this situation but we'll have to wait and see. Wating.......

  4. and you all can thank no other then the Clinton's and Obama and the rest of the liberal dummies that think they can buy their way into other countries liking us. The US gave billions to NK in aid and all they did was use it to build weapons to face towards us. Next up is Iran. and again with money paid by US tax payers!


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