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Saturday, July 15, 2017

"Blue Whale Challenge" urges young people to end their lives

DALLAS -- The family of a Texas teen who hanged himself says their son was involved in a ghoulish online game that calls on participants to complete a series of tasks before taking their own lives, and some schools are warning parents about the so-called Blue Whale Challenge.

Jorge Gonzalez told CBS affiliate KENS-TV that he wanted to urge parents to monitor their children's social media use after his son, Isaiah, was found hanging in his bedroom closet Saturday in the family's home with his cellphone propped up on a shoe to record his death.

A report on the boy's death from the San Antonio Police Department does not mention the challenge. But Gonzalez' family said in the days after the teen died, they pieced together from his social media and communication with friends that he had participated in the game.



  1. more evil to deal with in today's fallen world. as if our young don't have enough on their plate. prayers needed daily.

  2. social media out of control?

  3. Like I said, kids are bored and looking for the ultimate thrill. So sad.

  4. Dear God...what are we to do?

  5. If they are dumb enough to do it there is no point in stopping them. You will waste a ton of money and if it works they will die doing something else stupid.

  6. In my opinion.....It comes down to the parents my 10 year old daughter is all about online activity BUT I am not...I don't allow social media she has yet completely learned of real social relations let alone this tech world..I spend time doing online things with her I check her history online 2 times a week (never had a reason to buy do all I can) and us parents need to not allow this tech to become a parent a baby sitter or a go to machine it is just a destraction that if used to much well distract you from any and everything important..RIP little man.


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