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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Bill O'Reilly: John McCain torpedoed health care bill because of Donald Trump's 'POW comment'

Former cable news giant Bill O’Reilly says Sen. John McCain’s decision to sink a “skinny repeal” of the Affordable Care Act was revenge against President Trump two years in the making.

The Republican Party’s seven-year quest to scrap Obamacare ended Thursday night with a 51-49 defeat on theSenate floor. Mr. O’Reilly, appearing on “The “Glenn Beck Program” on Friday, attributed the Arizona lawmaker’s vote to animus over a 2015 insult by Mr. Trump.

“He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured,” Mr. Trumptold conservatives gathered in Iowa on July 18, 2015.

“I think this is about Trump,” Mr. O’Reilly said, Mediaite reported. “I think McCain despises Trump so much because of the POW comment during the campaign. […] I think it’s about McCain basically saying to himself, ‘I really despiseTrump and I think Trump should be out of there. I’m going to make it impossible for Trump to have any kind of legislative victories.’ That’s what I think this is about.”

Host Glenn Beck then joked that his guest’s theory was “conspiratorial” in nature.



  1. Sometimes people say things just to have something to say.

  2. McCain proved that Trump was right about his comment, He is no hero to his country but a cowardly traitor.

  3. I lost all respect for McCain years ago he is worthless in my eyes.

  4. McCain is a TRAITOR.

  5. If he had won the nomination, everyone of you would have voted for him over Hillary. Stop being hateful. McCain served this country in a way very few of you would have even lasted a week.

  6. He's just a whiney old man.

    1. @9:57. Yes, Trump is!!!!

    2. So is Nancy Pelosi, whiney old MAN!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sometimes people say things just to have something to say.

    July 29, 2017 at 9:26 AM

    Like you?

  8. I think he hit the nail on the head with that statement. McCain is a POS for doing that.

  9. I respect that he served his country but he has undermined that service and I do not respect him at all, He should be repealed for lying.

  10. Yes, he was a military hero!
    Today, he is a RINO that showed what the rest of us have felt was true for a loong while!

  11. 957
    McCain is much worse than a whiney old man.

    He was the stooge who helped the elites give us Obummer, don't you remember?
    He chose a volleyball player from Alaska to be the VP running mate.
    He THREW the election right out in the open!
    He was chosen by his handlers to throw it for Barry Sorteo and the Country suffered terribly because of his actions.

    He was also a traitor as was his father during the Viet Nam war.

  12. No, not everyone would've voted for McCain over Hillary. I would not have. Just like in In 2008...... I Actually wrote in Bugs Bunny on my ballot at the Civic center. Remember it well.. No way I was voting for McCain. Or obomba.
    It was lose.... lose.

  13. I had thought the same thing O'Reily said. Sorry I had to vote for the dude when the loser beat him. If Palin had not been on the ballot, I may have put it off.

  14. Trump is an awesome President and he is exposing Washington corruption. When he exposes a leaker he fires them When Democrats find a leaker the kill them aka Seth Rich.


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