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Friday, July 14, 2017

Berlin Popularity Surge Leads To Parking Concerns

BERLIN – Jefferson Street traffic concerns have prompted town leaders to seek recommendations from public safety officials.

Mayor Gee Williams said this week that he’d asked the Berlin Police Department to look into the growing number of vehicles parking on Jefferson Street, which runs between Main and Washington streets, and ways to alleviate accessibility issues.

“The Berlin Police Department will be making some recommendations to the town administrator in the next week or two that addresses both the increased need for parking in the Jefferson Street area and the need to be sure emergency services vehicles as well as everyday motorists can travel unimpeded along these town streets,” he said.

Williams said a resident who travels Jefferson Street regularly brought the issue to his attention Wednesday. As summer has progressed, traffic in town has increased and vacant parking spaces are few and far between. While visitors are encouraged to park in places like Stephen Decatur Park and Berlin Intermediate School when special events are scheduled, those who come to town on an average day simply seek the closest empty spot they can find to their destination.



  1. The issue waiting to be a disaster is the events. They block so many streets and use vehicles and trailer staged that if anything ever caught fire or someone had a heart attack help would be severely delayed. All gee cares about is a drink.

    1. You're busting on the man that saved that sinking ship? He should be named mayor for life. Yes it's pricey now, but the citizens are happy and safe.
      How's that working for you Jake?

    2. I wouldn't say the citizens are happy we just got our tax bills and get our monthly ouragerous electric eater wastewater and stormwater rain tax bills

  2. That's an easy fix. Do what Salisbury does. Put up parking meters and sell "Permits" for all the lots.

    People will stop coming, stores will close, and the streets will be empty except foe a gang of thugs to rob the leftovers.

    You're welcome!

  3. if only salisbury had this problem i wonder if berlin is allowed to have chain link fences


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