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Thursday, July 06, 2017

America, ‘racist’? How Obama duped U.S. with 1 dangerous ‘lie’

Jesse Lee Peterson to Tucker Carlson: 'It has nothing to do with color at all, and they know that'

Think America is growing more racist than ever?

That’s because you’ve been duped by the left – and especially by Barack Obama, who used the “lie” of racial grievances for his own personal gain and ultimately divided America.

“Black Americans got worse under Barack Obama than any other time in the history of America,” said WND exclusive columnist Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, author of “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood,” during a July 3 appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“If it was a race issue, why didn’t it get better? We had a black president,” Peterson said. “The races were more divided as a result of Barack Obama because he used them for his own personal gain and didn’t care about them.”

Watch Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s comments on “Tucker Carlson Tonight”:



  1. Once again, Tucker hit the nail on the head.
    Obama had so, so many opportunities to bring this country together, especially in race relations. But he dropped the ball, big time. In my 50+ years, I don't recall our country being so divided.

  2. Didn't dupe me! What he did was predicted BEFORE he was elected. But we were just called racists for pointing it out.


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