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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Amazon Considering Allowing Developers Access To Alexa Transcripts

According to the Information, Amazon is considering opening up access to private transcript data from its Alexa devices to third-party developers, raising concerns of privacy for users.

Amazon’s Echo system was one of the first mass-marketed home assistants available, giving it a head start over other devices such as Google Home. However, while Amazon currently does not allow developers access to everything users say, Google Home does; with Apple moving into the market as well, Amazon cannot afford to lose the lead it gained early on.

If Amazon were to go ahead with handing over full transcripts, it would certainly cause unease with users aware of the potential breach of privacy. Not only could developers see exactly what they have been saying or searching for, but anyone malevolent enough to hack their systems could do as well.



  1. If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. ROFLMAO! Same as DUI checkpoints, right?

  2. All in the name to steal your data, so they can put it in their Aria style quantum computer like in the movie Eagle Eye...

  3. Um, No thank you!! Knew I skip this for a reason. Never even looked far enough to know google has same product and information is not private. I will stick to my encyclopedia and cups with strings.

  4. If you think they are not listening already you are being very childish.


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