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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Alcohol withdrawal: Here’s how you can die from it

Alcohol withdrawal has been linked to organ failure. Can withdrawal be fatal? (Reuters)

“True Blood” actor Nelsan Ellis died Saturday from heart failure, due to complications from a “withdrawal from alcohol,” his family said.

Ellis’ family released a statement describing how the 39-year-old actor “attempted to withdraw from alcohol on his own.” Ellis then suffered from a blood infection, kidney failure, a swollen liver, low blood pressure and heart failure, his family said.

But can you die from alcohol withdrawal?

According to American Addiction Centers, “attempting a cold-turkey or at-home detox from alcohol” can be risky and “even life-threatening.”

The withdrawal occurs when heavy drinkers cut back their alcohol intake.




  1. Atleast he tried & his family was honest about it. Maybe it will bring awareness

  2. Another perfectly good reason, as if the Ex wasn't enough.


  3. Most abused drug in the USA. Kills more people then heroin but we don't talk about it!

  4. The only legal drug that will kill you from withdraw cocaine and heroine just make you feel like you are going to die.

  5. Same with sex....I was consuming it like crazy, then I got married. Talk about withdrawal!! Damn near killed me !

  6. And people are worried about the "dangers" of marijuana...

  7. I once did withdrawal from smoking mary jane.
    I suddenly lost weight and cared about everything I had no control over.
    It was terrible.

  8. I love watching people who think alcohol is OK and has no side effects come unglued when they're put in a restricted place and get or have any for a few days


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