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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Alarming animated map shows how Oklahoma and its neighboring states have been hit by frequent earthquakes since fracking began in 2009

The state of Oklahoma is being pummeled by a rash of earthquakes with increasing frequency and scientists at The United States Geological Survey say that fracking techniques may be to blame.

Last year, Oklahoma tied its own record for the strongest earthquake ever recorded when a 5.6 magnitude tremor hit the northern part of the state at 7.02am on September 3, 2016, according to Forbes.

The previous 5.6 magnitude quake occurred near the town of Prague on Nov. 5 2011.



  1. Earthquakes in Oklahoma??!

  2. That's from Frick'in Not Frack'in !!!

  3. Just N Korea doing more testing !!!!!!!!

  4. There is very strong mathematical correlation with incidence rate of seismic anomalies and fracking. I am A free market proponent so i don't think it should be banned. But I'm glad it isn't happening on the shore.

  5. Yes Oklahoma! Oklahoma experienced the highest magnitude earthquake in the US. it's very unpopulated and that the reason why it was not a disaster. Appears the alarmist are once again overreacting! look it up! Oklahoma sits on a significant earthquake fault area. More lies for the ignorant masses and STILL some keep cheering

  6. LOL. Move there if it is so safe and normal. Bet you won't.

  7. I have friends there. Many earthquakes since fracking started.

  8. I am A free market proponent so i don't think it should be banned. But I'm glad it isn't happening on the shore

  9. Fracking didnt start in 2009.

  10. There have always been earthquakes in that area. The biggest quake in US history was in New Madrid, Missouri but nobody remembers or cares because it doesn't fit the narrative.

    1. 817, fake news. It was the alaskan quake and tsunami. Try again!

  11. Here comes the conspiracy theory nuts. Why are they like flies to this site? Hmmm...

  12. High pressure insertion of water into small crevices deep in the earth to force oil reserves to the surface.
    What could go wrong with that?

    Earth quakes and contaminated water wells.


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