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Wednesday, July 05, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Road Work On Isabella

Good morning! We enjoy reading your posts. Thank you!
Would you know or be able to find out the status of the ongoing roadwork on Isabella? It's a nightmare that does not end. Not sure what is being repaired. Hopefully when it is finished the road will not remain in the bad condition that it has been for years. Residents in that area would appreciate less stress on their vehicles. The same could be said for the road heading down Parsons road into Fitzwater. 

Again, thanks for digging into 'what's going on' in the area.


  1. Can't finish road projects, park bridge rotting away, yep time to build a SUP boathouse.

  2. Trump fighting on all fronts.Any way to impede his infrastructure progress or any other type of progress is fair game to them.Don't fool yourself into thinking it can't happen on such small localized projects because it can and it does.

  3. Do these Isabella idiots ever stop whining? They've been complaining about traffic on their street since the '90s. If you don't want to see traffic get out of the city and move out to the boonies!

    1. the boonies would certainly have better roads

  4. I still hate that logo.

  5. Yeah driving down Isabella is like going off roading. Its a complete mess and has been going on for a very long time. I don't think there is a street worse in Salisbury at this time.

  6. It is definitely the worst street in Salisbury

  7. Better watch out on Isabella street seen a Wicomico county parks and recreation truck with a state trooper behind it with the employee handcuffed wonder what that was all about!


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