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Sunday, July 16, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Rename Salisbury

Let's rename the 'Bury with one that gets more of the ghetto flavor of Baltimore.

How does Burymore sound to you?


  1. I can see it now, Burymore,Crosshairs of Delmarva.

  2. I was born, raised and still in Salisbury. I do not appreciate the bunch of punks, using the term they use and place on Salisbury owned vehicles, signs or anywhere else.
    I may be ole school, but it look's and sound's demeaning to us.

  3. The Bury-The Murder Capital of the Eastern Shore. Shhhh....the mayor would rather lie and pretend like crime isn't a problem in his Bury.

  4. The unofficial adoption of the 'Bury name as a "clever" marketing tool was a Jim Ireton thing back when he was mayor. He plastered it on city vehicles, custom bike racks and park benches.
    It takes away from whatever little dignity Salisbury has. It shames, rather than honors. It promotes pettiness, rather than dignity. It tears down, rather than building up.
    Salisbury's city government should remove all of the 'Bury stickers from its vehicles. They were an ill-advised waste of taxpayer money and an insult to the city and its residents, one that should buried.

  5. Well said 8:00, and well advised.

  6. Fan of 'Shots-bury' myself

  7. 8:00 - completely agree, but unfortunately the "thugness" of 'Bury has come to pass. The City needs adults in charge - where are they?

  8. 8:54 AM - They're in the shadows, looking for ways to profit through government.

  9. Murderbury. It rolls off the tongue.

  10. SLUMSBURY(beast mode)

  11. THUGSBURY(beast mode)

  12. I think it needs to be called Devrecopolis, Gillisville or Gilkertown.

  13. Sadly,I agree with most of these comments. They show that crime has become the norm. Crime has been easing in through the years without proper attention from our local government. I have witnessed the crime issue grow before our eyes. The leaders had to have seen this occurring, while all along denying it. Fact is they were saying there was no crime or gangs. When you see this growing day after day, there isn't any shock factor now. I was always taught if you bring a complaint, you should have a solution. I am not sure I have one, with the people we put in charge. How can it be corrected when strong experienced people don't run for office. It has been a long time since we have had great leadership and that is very sad. Born in 1944 at out local hospital, I still have a positive outlook that this can be corrected with correct leadership.


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