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Sunday, July 23, 2017

A Viewer Writes: 'Bury Parking

I'm wondering how many people got 'bit' by the new parking meter fees in da 'Bury?

Yesterday I was downtown and put .75 cents in the meter which I thought I was getting an hour. When I returned to my vehicle after about 55 minutes, I had a ticket. When I looked at the time it had only been about 5 minutes ago. I looked at the meter and noticed the change in price/time. .50/30 min. Spoke with a gentleman afterward and he told me this was done on Friday. Bet they made their years quota in just one afternoon on tickets! How many people got tickets? How many people were smart enough to read the meter first? Not me.


  1. Boy wonder is just doing everything he can to make matters worse for downtown. Way to go.

  2. I never go downtown, so I don't care what they do. If they cared about their citizens, the first week, they should have given out warnings.

  3. No warning. Typical.

  4. You people should know by now, the end game is to take as much money from you as they can before you will backlash, and you all should know by now the govt is not going to tell you these changes becasue it benefits them and not you... It benefits them to raise the meter rates and to not tell you so more people like this person will get hit with a ticket...

    If you people can't see this by now, then I believe whole hardheartedly you are just that damn stupid and deserve to have all of these trickery's happen to you!!! You deserve to have your money taken... Besides, it is not like any of you care enough to want to stop them from stealing your money anyway, at least by how you complain and put no action behind it, shows you don't even give two shits about your own selves, let alone anyone else...

  5. Too bad our trusty Local Blogs and News Agency's didn't post a heads up! LOL

  6. Check out the latest recipient of the big Jake day giveaways, gladden construction, Jaime gladden, is the latest of Jake day "friends" aka fellow church members at their great construction boom project in salisbury. The infamous ribbon cutting ceremony beaglin park drive Hunter's crest at aydelotte farms. Mayor day does care about a CERTAIN few people were just not in the loop

    1. Ribbon cutting ceremony today 4:30, make an effort to ride by and show our non support of getting screwed by Day and his buddies

  7. Why are there still parking meters downtown, is my question? Time to do away with them.

  8. Here we go again people , the boy mayor of your little town is robbing you again , just bend over and enjoy it , it's not the first and it sure won't be the last . Get ready for the county to get you also , , tax time is here , bend over again , double wammy.

  9. Why would anyone go downtown?

  10. The Jake Day minions of 6 are working overtime on this article. For some reason we keep hitting the delete button.

  11. Jennifer Miller
    Assistant Director of Parking & Procurement

  12. google salisbury parking city/county documents all have different parking rates than what is in effect. Seems like a good defense for fighting ticket. The judge might also agree that no notice was given.

  13. I'm sure a protest will get the fine waived, given it was a recent change in prices / time.

  14. Salisbury, NOT a user friendly city. HATE the meters.

  15. I don;t spend my money in Salisbury.


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