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Sunday, July 16, 2017

A Viewer Writes: 1012 E Church St. In Salisbury 7-10-17

Big police presence at this place. Since before 3PM, they are still there. Its a drug house. But I don't know what is going on. I didn't see swat so we figured it wasn't a bust. 6 cop vehicles and a gathering of people outside. Cops standing outside "guarding" the place.


  1. Hearse left 15 min. ago.

  2. 6 cop vehicles? nothing else to do , salisbury police , the young and the restless.

    1. How kind of you to let us know how much you value our Blue. Why not train to be a Blue so you can actually learn why 6 cop vehicles may be at one establishment, instead of pretending you are the expert on the subject. oh wise one.

    2. Well said 6:56. Back the Blue.

    3. They're afraid look at all the fruitland cops 3 officers to pull one person over for speeding see it all the time,when you put that badge on you shouldn't be afraid you know what you signed up for anyone who needs backup for a traffic stop should find another job.

    4. They're afraid look at all the fruitland cops 3 officers to pull one person over for speeding see it all the time,when you put that badge on you shouldn't be afraid you know what you signed up for anyone who needs backup for a traffic stop should find another job.

    5. Yeah they are afraid. That's why people keep getting shot for no reason. They are afraid, and them going home to their kids is more important than you going home to yours.

  3. after Saturday i can very well see why 6....well ummm actually i could see why well before Saturday...its been going on for over 8 years...and 6 may not be enough! Stay safe boys/girls in blue.

  4. You don't need 6 cop vehicles there
    -old blue

  5. You absolutely do need at least that many police officers present in the Church Street neighborhood. I've personally seen crowds of hecklers form quickly whenever there's police interaction. One of Salisbury's worst areas.

  6. Very sad that people have to be so rude and inconsiderate when it comes to Law enforcement.

  7. You do need back up for a traffic stop sometimes. Obviously, you're too young to remember the young MSP trooper killed in October 1995 when he pulled over a car in a traffic stop.

  8. 7:03 PM .... and you know this to be factual, in this particular situation, how?

    7:44 PM .... and if people did not break the laws of the land or commit crimes there would be no need for three Blues at a stop. I would rather see 3 Blues than a dead one laying in the road because of no back-up
    .... you need to be thanking our Good Lord for having Blues -- men and women who have sense enough to be afraid and still be willing sign up to protect fools like you

    7:52 .... yes it is, but they are fueled to continue by comments allowed to be posted on blogs

  9. 7:45 is obviously brain dead.

  10. 8:15 Over the years I've heard many people claim that shooting was an "inside job". I hope that's just s horrible rumor!

  11. and there's the rub, kops afraid to do their job! what the f did you sign up for the boy scouts? man up!
    former marine!

    1. Wow a former Marine who obvisiouly hates "kops". My father was a Marine and he would have been disgusted by you.

  12. 7:07.....RIP Brother Plank

  13. "It's a drug house"? You know this for fact? I thought you all listened to scanners better than this. I'm highly disappointed. It couldn't be as simple as someone's loved one passed away unattended and the police had to do an investigation? Get a life people

  14. Well....it is in the "pharmaceutical" section of the City!!!

  15. 10:46 AM Yes we do know that for a fact.

  16. And Habitat For Humanity keeps building houses in the area. Laughable!


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