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Friday, July 07, 2017

14 Facts That Show America's System Of Public Education Deserves An 'F' Grade

One thing that almost everyone can agree upon is that our system of public education is broken. We spend far more money on public education than anyone else in the world, and yet the results are depressing to say the least.

Considering how much we are putting into education, we should be producing the best students on the entire planet, but it just isn’t happening. Personally, I attended public schools from kindergarten all the way up through law school, and the quality of education that I received was extremely poor. Even on the collegiate level, most of the courses were so “dumbed down” that even the family dog could have passed them. And of course millions of other people all over the country would say the same sorts of things about their own educations. Many refer to what is happening to our society as “the dumbing down of America”, and if we don’t get things fixed the United States is on course to become a second class nation.

If you believe that I am exaggerating, I would like you to consider the following numbers. The following are 14 facts that prove that America’s absolutely pathetic system of education deserves an “F” grade…

#1 Somewhere around 50 million students attend public schools in America today.

#2 Education is the most expensive item in 41 different state budgets.

#3 The latest PISA tests show that U.S. students are below average compared to the rest of the industrialized world…

One of the biggest cross-national tests is the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which every three years measures reading ability, math and science literacy and other key skills among 15-year-olds in dozens of developed and developing countries. The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. Among the 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which sponsors the PISA initiative, the U.S. ranked 30th in math and 19th in science.



  1. Been singing this song for at least 40 years...

  2. And what did you go to college for? Communication? No wonder.

  3. Did you know that in MOST States, the highest paid employee of the state government is a university football coach?

  4. 2:11 - SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 2:11 yeah. Think about how much money gets poured into those schools/states via sports.

  6. If it were a business, it would have closed years ago!
    Keep dumping more money into the problem. Remember it's all for the children! Yet board of education members make on average much more than the average county resident and get the summer off as well!
    Glad I was at least able to afford to have my children in private school during their elementary school years. Private schools offer a better value and a better education. Parents have much more of a say in their children's education and the quality of the education is better without the political correctness! Bullies and fights are handled right away. Problem kids are warned and then are kicked out. If I could have afforded to have kept them in private school, I would.

  7. 317, you are right about the fights and brutality of the public schools. However, before you start in on it being the school's fault, think about jails, prisons and mental institutions. Then think that all of those inmates had to go to school somewhere. That's your answer right there... liberals will coddle them to the point where they can run wild (jmb) and teachers and admin can't do a thing about it [MSDE and liberal legislature]. Most BOE staff work year round. Most teachers do professional development in the summer. If it's so cushy, why are there chronic shortages of teachers?

  8. Seaside Christian Academy.

  9. 458 oh no you didn't!


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