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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Why They Are After Trump

For several months, I have felt that the Trump=Russia witch hunt was a diversion. Sure, they want Trump out, but not for the stated reason – not for Russia. They want Trump out because what he represents is a voice for people who are tired of seeing every libertine, immoral, property rights and wealth destroying progressive platform agenda shoved down their throats. Trump ran against almost every plank of this life-destroying force.

I wrote on this topic in March; from the conclusion:

Russia is a diversion; it is useful as a means to an end. It isn’t the end. The end is the salvation of the many pillars of the progressive agenda; the end is the final destruction of western, classical liberal, civilization.

Don’t expect me to explain it as well as Judge Napolitano can and has; I have listened to and read several commentators on the topic of the special prosecutor, Comey’s testimony, etc. I can only offer a semi-ignorant layman’s summary.

A special prosecutor was appointed with no crime to prosecute; with no crime to prosecute, you have a dozen of the most aggressive, capable attorneys looking for something…anything. Show me the man and I will show you the crime.



  1. The rich elite cant get richer off the man made global warming scam so they want Trump out and since they pay off 99% of politicians that's why we see what we see.

  2. There are people in Salisbury after Trump today. They had a protest downtown around 1130. There was someone there filming it. I didn't see any news vehicles

  3. Maybe it's time to fire the special prosecutor and get someone in there to start an investigation of all of the democrats and their Special Prosecutor and his cohorts.

  4. Mr. Trump is also a part of the same elites who run the Democrat Party.
    He was always close friends with the Clintons, who are close friends with the Bushes.
    No matter who wins an election, the people will lose.

    They will not eliminate the dreadful Obama Care because their bosses do not want them to do it.
    The government doesn't care about you and me (little people) it serves the elites.


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