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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

"We Can't Keep Losing Races" House Dems Meet To Plot Ouster Of Nancy Pelosi

Calls for the ouster of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi are growing louder heading into the weekend as the blame for the Democrats’ 0-5 showing in a series of special house elections held this week has fallen squarely on her shoulders. While Pelosi has faced down previous threats, the present controversy looks like it’s snowballing into the biggest threat to her dominance during her 10-year reign as the party’s leader in the House.

Indeed, Pelosi's ouster is looking increasingly probable as more of the rank-and-file turn against her. And as the latest report from the Associated Press confirms, a group of a dozen house Democrats met in the office of New York Rep Kathleen Rice on Thursday to try and figure out a way to remove Pelosi from her leadership position. While it looks as if Pelosi's opponents are growing more emboldened, they're still struggling with one important problem…they still need to find a way to execute their coup and force Pelosi from her position. The AP's story relies heavily on quotes from New York Rep Kathleen Rice and Ohio’s Tim Ryan, who are already jockeying for positions in the next iteration of the Democratic Party's leadership.



  1. It's fun watching the Dems "eat their own".

  2. Please, please let her stay!

  3. This is their problem. Blame somebody, anybody. Don't take the lead. Don't fall on your sword. Now, after 8 years of a President going around with a faked ghetto accent, we are all numb to this nonsense. That's all Obama gave us. A FAKE GHETTO ACCENT!!!

  4. 7:41 pm Are you as "Nuts" as she?

  5. No, 928, but wiser than you! Never stop your opposition when they are hard charging to fail miserably. Keeping Nancy at the Helm is the best thing for the GOP!

  6. 7:41 is correct, keep all the nuts in play. They gave us Trump.


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