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Saturday, June 17, 2017

UBER Driver Runs Car Into Trump Motorcade STRIKING Secret Service Agent

Just less than 24 hours after a lunatic liberal activist opened fire on GOP congressmen at a baseball practice session, a driver in Washington D.C. has now reportedly ra into a motorcade for President Donald Trump. The vehicle struck a Secret Service agent while Trump was on his way back to the White House after a visit to the hospital to check on Steve Scalise.

CNN reports that the Secret Service “had blocked a street for the President’s return to the White House” when the driver attempted to enter the motorcade route against all the verbal warning and obvious visual commands to halt his approach. It was then one of the secret agents tried to block the vehicle’s progress into the route and was struck by the unnamed driver. The agent landed on the hood of the driver’s Mazda SUV.

The so far unidentified driver was arrested and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and it’s been reported that the secret agent thankfully sustained only minor injuries.

The attack was taken to a nearby police station for processing, and there he revealed that he was an UBER driver and that “he was not paying attention to the Secret Service officer but rather ‘another vehicle,’”


1 comment:

  1. An Uber driver not paying attention? What a shocker...


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