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Thursday, June 01, 2017

Today’s Democrats have no problem embracing known terrorists

Breaking news from 2025: The New York City Council gives its Hero of the Year award to Hamza bin Laden, a son of Osama bin Laden. In making the award, the council declares that the bin Laden family has suffered enough since the “unfortunate events” of 9/11 and credits Hamza, who took over al Qaeda, for being an “inclusive fighter for Muslim rights.”

Time does not heal all fools and when it comes to stupidity, the future looks a lot like the present. No, the City Council will never learn.

In case you haven’t heard, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito is the prime suspect in the decision by the board of the Puerto Rican Day Parade to honor a convicted terrorist, Oscar López Rivera, as a National Freedom Hero.

Her “hero” was found guilty of trying to overthrow the government of the United States with FALN, a terrorist organization that carried out 120 bombings in New York, Chicago and elsewhere.


1 comment:

  1. Democrats are the ultimate deniers. They don't even acknowledge that terrorism exists. They live in their self-induced hazes, sniffy unicorn and fairy dust while drinking from opulent fountains of gold moonbeam juice. There's nothing about today's Democrat that's actually anchored in reality. To find this would be like finding another Hope Diamond in the Atlantic Ocean 12 miles off shore.


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