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Monday, June 26, 2017

The Passing Of The Pelosi Era

In the first round of the special election for the House seat in Georgia’s Sixth District, 30-year-old Jon Ossoff swept 48 percent. He more than doubled the vote of his closest GOP rival, Karen Handel.

A Peach State pickup for the Democrats and a huge humiliation for President Trump seemed at hand.

But in Tuesday’s final round, Ossoff, after the most costly House race in history, got 48 percent again, and lost. If Democratic donors are grabbing pitchforks, who can blame them?

And what was Karen Handel’s cutting issue?

Ossoff lived two miles outside the district and represented the values of the Democratic minority leader, whom he would vote to make the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco.

The Pelosi factor has been a drag on Democrats in all four of the special elections the party has lost since Trump’s November triumph.

Prediction: Democrats will not go into the 2018 Congressional elections with San Fran Nan as the party’s face and future. No way. As President Kennedy said, “Sometimes party loyalty asks too much.”

Post-Trump, it is hard to see Republicans returning to NAFTA-GATT free-trade globalism, open borders, mass immigration or Bushite crusades for democracy. A cold realism about America’s limited power and potential to change the world has settled in.

And just as Trump put Bush-Romney Republicanism into the dumpster in the 2016 primaries, Hillary Clinton’s defeat, followed by losses in four straight special elections, portend a passing of the guard in the Democratic Party.

So where is the party going?



  1. I saw her today on CBS. She is still in complete denial about the insurance debacle, and barely was able to finish a sentence.

  2. Please keep her in office. I need to design a perpetual support sticker for Pelosi. She alone will keep republicans in control of government.

  3. When you want to point out white privilege, look no farther than Nancy.

  4. Anyone seen Grandma? She pretends she is a Congresswoman. Help send her home if you know where she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I used to wish she would disappear but now I hope she stays for a long time. She helps the repubs in a lot of ways she prob isn't even aware of, and there is at least one more dem like her.

  6. This ole girl is responsible for all the air she has wasted by breathing it for many, many years. She has the money, so why not have her pay for the wasted air?


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