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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ten-year-old girl has arm severed by pit bull in Detroit

A ten-year-old girl had to have her arm reattached and nearly lost her foot after a dog escaped a Detroit house and mauled her while she was playing in a back yard at 1:15pm Saturday.

A neighbor, Ralphael Jackson, heard the girl's screams and ran across the road to fend it off with a shovel while the girl's aunt attempted to help and another person brought food to distract it.

'It wasn't even thinking about that food, because at this point, it smelled blood,' Jackson told Click On Detroit.

The dog was known to be aggressive and so was usually kept locked in a room upstairs when strangers were on the property, which is located on the 10700 block of Beaconsfield, Chief James Craig said.



  1. its unfortunate that such dogs have to be left wondering around, I feel sorry for the little girl

  2. Pit bulls should be considered as wild animals just like someone owning a lion or bear. Those animals aren't allowed to be possessed as pets for the same reasons. Some will say that it's not the dog rather it's how they are raised. Well, you don't see people owning panthers and saying the same thing.

  3. I don't care what you say, I never have trusted them and never will. If you have one, I will stay away from you and the dog. This goes for my family or friends. People claim they have been around their children for years and no problems. Very true, but others say it was a nice dog until it ripped into my child. You do what you want, but keep away from me. It's just not worth the chance or risk.

  4. The point here is the dog already had a history of violence and his owner was allowed to keep him in close proximity to small children. I'm sorry but ANY dog with a history of violence should be treated like a sex offender and kept a minimum distance (maybe a mile?) from children under 12.

  5. These animals are kept for protection or, perhaps, a deterrent to an invader or intruder (for whatever reason). This having been noted, I would suggest the animal is akin to any other weapon or form of self defense/deterrent i.e. a gun. Perhaps they should be regulated. I know someone will come on here and defend pit bulls. However, they do not speak English and are bred for pretty much a single purpose. Their tendency is to be aggressive; even small docile pets will snap and bite.

    1. Would you agree that MOSTLY all terrorist attacks are Muslims?

  6. Put the dog down and the owner jail time of at least 10 years. A neighbor on our street had one female nicest pit you ever saw, used to come over and play with our cat. Unfortunately this dog was bred over and over to not so nice dogs all the puppies were vicious. The female remained as sweet as ever, they moved away don't know the rest of the story.

  7. Kill the dog! Jail the owner!


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