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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Teen Was Kicked out Graduation for Only Pants He Can Afford. Then He Sees Stranger Outside….

If someone ran up to you and asked you to give them your pants, would you? The odds are, you answered this question with a very firm “no” and perhaps even a look of puzzlement or disgust, but what if I told you that your pants were the difference between one student walking across the stage to receive his diploma, or going home before the graduation ceremony even started?

That’s exactly the predicament Leroy Solis Jr. found himself in when he simply couldn’t afford to meet the dress code for his high school’s graduation ceremony.

MacArthur High School’s graduation dress code stated that boys must wear slacks and a tie, or they may not be able to walk the stage to receive their diplomas. Well, Solis Jr. didn’t have slacks or a tie, and couldn’t ask his father, who is on a fixed income, if he would buy them. Instead, he planned to walk in jeans with no tie, hoping that his gown would be long enough to cover up the fact that he wasn’t wearing slacks.



  1. I'm guessing that's his dad since that guy doesn't have a similar build so my question is his dad is on a fixed income with a $400 smart phone in his hand ,the middle mafia finger ring and a nice looking Rolex on

    1. Maybe it is the guy who traded clothes, 10:58. Don't be a hater!

    2. Do they look like they have a "similar build"? I'll stop being a hater when you stop being a gullible idiot.

  2. Yea, I am not buying it! It May of happened, but call me cynical. I can take it!

  3. Yeah, someone in the parking lot just "happened" to be selling ties for $10.00. They might be selling this as true but...I'm not buying it.


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