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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Senator, Interrupted: Kamala Harris outrage illustrates feminism's inability to react in proportion

[by Emily Jashinsky]

American females live in the freest and fairest society that has ever existed for our sex, but modern liberal feminism is dedicated to painting contemporary U.S. culture as a nightmare of misogyny. Many media feminists spent last week offering their outrage over the tremendous scourge of men interrupting women mid-sentence.

Mid. Sentence.

Can you believe it?

It is almost as though Hillary Clinton's candidacy was one long and beautiful sentence, interrupted callously by the misogynistic patriarch our twisted society enabled.

In all seriousness, that feminists devoted so much enthusiasm to rallying around Kamala Harris (or Elizabeth Warren), a United States senator and the former California attorney general, because she was interrupted not once, but twice, by a male colleague in so many days tells you where the movement's priorities are. In an article published in its Business section, the New York Times compared treatment of Harris to a joke former Uber board member David Bonderman made at a meeting on Tuesday, quipping that adding more women to the board would result in "more talking."

Someone must pay the counseling bills of the poor women subjected to the trauma of a man making a bad joke, considering how fragile and ill-equipped we are to cope with such cutting rhetoric..



  1. It's called not being able to get a word in edge wise.

  2. She is a black POCrap!


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