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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Oversteps his Power Line...Again?

By Thornton Crowe

Isn't this Jake balderdash getting just a bit old?

Yesterday in the Daily Times, Salisbury Mayor Jake Day proclaimed the area historical markers located throughout the area should be removed! Beating his chest, made this stunning proclamation but is this just more faddist politics on his part?

The country has a minority of people who want to eradicate its history by removing markers and monuments throughout historic cities - largely in the South. It all began with the Confederate flag and its removal in South Carolina's government buildings. And since, it's been a beat-the-clock political statement to try to see how much history the Liberals can erase before people say enough is enough.

What's so absurd about Day's bloviation is he seems to forget quite often where his jurisdiction lies in Salisbury. As confirmed by a county source, this is a matter for Wicomico's Executive office and the Historical Society - not Day.

Ask yourselves: Why does this matter to Day when the City is suffering from jobs lost by Wendy's, Radio Shack and other company closures of recent? It would seem our illustrious Don Quixote mayor only has time for trivials like subverting area's history than worry about his residents' abilities to pay their high rents, feed their kids, get health insurance or cover their car payments. Can you see the gross disconnect? If Day, who seems to be preparing to run for re-election, really cared about you, the citizens of Salisbury, wouldn't he be more concerned about the latter? Common sense would dictate as such.

However, he jumps on the latest Liberal 'fad' in order to mimic the big boys and girls in DC and other states. He thinks by doing this, he appears contemporary and in touch with supposed public sentiment. In fact, its a minority of people who care more about monuments because they already have well paid jobs with benefits; therefore, they have the luxury to be worried about such silliness.

Why would you remove Salisbury history when it serves as a reminder of why we should avoid such activities as racism now and in the future? 

It wasn't contemporary Marylanders' fault our border state decided to choose the South to officially side with during the America's Civil War. This was a decision made by legislators during the 1860s. Hence, Day's new obsession with this 150+ year-old decision should be alarming to all.

The real deal with this fabricated brouhaha is this: Removing history isn't going to A) change said history nor B) make your current life better. It's all Kabuki theater, lacking any substance. Democrats like Jake seem to be ignoring what citizens want and need while opting to make mountains out of non-existent mole hill. The ultimate end game: To keep you from asking yourselves real result questions like: Is my life better since Day became mayor?

From the dozens of emails we've received about this subject alone, it would seem area residents are increasingly more inquisitive about the mayor's apparent disconnect and question his competence to make decisions on their behalf.

Sad Reality Revealed

The real reveal in the article above is this: both Day and County Council President John Cannon don't seem to know which issue falls on which local government branch. This, in and of itself, should cause more concern because, once again, we're in granny's backyard 'playing at' government rather than being adults engaged in governance - like following Charters when creating a legal budget.

What's next for our local eccentric? Will Jake march on the nation's capital, demanding they remove the Washington Monument because it's a giant phallic symbol?

I'm just a man asking questions...


  1. Hmm, maybe people don't want to stick around in the redneck run down swamp that is Salisbury? To which most say "That's fine, see you later", and there go the jobs with them.

  2. Great write up, but again, won't change a damn thing and things will keep on going as they have been... And I too have asked myself, about all of you, what else has to happen before you had enough? I don't mean when you say you had enough but lie to yourself, I mean when you truly had enough so much so, that you finally effect change?

    Like when a woman is in a bad abusive relationship, sure she can say she is sick and tired of it, and complain like all of you SBY residents, but if you still stay with said abusive person and in that relationship you are not 100% truly sick and tired because had you been, you would get out of said relationship... But instead you all just like being beat on...

  3. I was thinking about what appears to be Pay to Play in Salisbury this morning, recalling the Chicago real estate money that flowed into Days first council run and all the perks that certain Real Estate locals have benefited from like the parking lots and blind eyes turned over Station 1s failure to deliver to the terms of their bid on the property.

  4. The guys an absolute wingnut

  5. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!June 22, 2017 at 8:42 AM

    Day isn't demonstrating national trends because it's not a majority of people who worry about this stuff. Most people are worried about their day-to-day lives not historical sites or markers. The only ones making it even a concern are those who have run out of ideas and plans to make their areas better so they do this kind of garbage to give some appearance they're doing something in the community. It's all PR ploys. Once more, Black Americans are being played for pawns in emotional upheavals instead of making their lives better. Good strategy. How's that Democrat Plantation working out for everyone?

  6. George Orwell's 1984 is becoming closer to reality every day..

    “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  7. Name something,anything that a control,or knowledge of the past has prevented from happening again.Human beings do the same stupid things over and over again regardless.History was a fascinating subject that I did well at,but it only served as a reminder of what was to come.We aren't even as smart as a dog that gets beaten with a newspaper as a puppy and remembers it for the rest of it's life.

  8. Here's the other shame of all this. While Jake Day and John Cannon are playing LOOK AT ME, WBOC & the Daily Times have glorified this situation without doing their due diligence.

    They are called main stream media but they certainly don't publish like main stream media. These sources are supposed to investigate these stories and find out just who is directly in charge of making such changes.

    They could've easily contacted County Executive Culver, (just like we did) considering this is on county property and immediately found that Day has absolutely no say as Mayor on this matter.

    Aside from that, the City isn't even paying RENT!

    Interesting how the DT's & WBOC conveniently left out the horses mouth, the Executive and Historical Society. Anything to sell paper.

  9. What bothers me even more that this monument that he is trying to move/remove, is the way he speaks to his CONSTITUENTS who oppose his views. He is down right disrespectful to anybody who does not agree with him - not just on this topic, but many others. He has done it to me and I have watched him do it to so many others on Facebook. He is rapidly taking on a totalitarian approach to achieve HIS vision for this City regardless of what the majority envisions.

    Jake, these are the people that you are supposed to represent. They may not always agree with you, but they still deserve a certain level of respect. I did not vote for you last election despite your unchallenged candidacy because I have worked with you on committees in the past and I know first hand that you lack the leadership required to run a committee; much less a city. The way you speak to people will continually lose you votes should you attempt to run for mayor again. If you do run again, I guarantee that you will NOT be unopposed because if nobody else runs, I will. And if somebody else does step up, I will be highly active in their campaign providing very damning evidence of why you should not have been mayor in the first place. My suggestion to you, Treat people with respect!

  10. TC summed up everything DAY with this one sentence:

    "Common sense would dictate as such."

    There is absolutely nothing COMMON or SENSIBLE of our "elected" boy-toy DAY!

  11. Falling in behind the National trend so as to appear "current" in the rhetoric being thrown about by his Swamp leaders....this silly boy only proves that he's nothing but a pawn in the State leadership. What a joke we've become.

  12. Time to start a petition to remove the Mayor, I was a supporter of his but not anymore.

  13. Narcissistic personality disorder at it's finest.

  14. He blocked me on Facebook when I dared to challenge him about Salisbury crime rates . He flat out denied multiple murders and violent crimes behind a technicality of county/city border lines . He's a liberal puke which is surprising given his Milatary background.

  15. He's a white Obama. Got every one in town hyped up over the young charismatic youngster offering change but really he was a liberal Trojan horse

  16. Let's just remove Day instead that will help clean up Salisbury

  17. Don't feel bad 1054, he blocked me too and I actually voted for the SOB. Won't make that mistake again. Hope 914 is serious about challenging him. I'd vote for anyone who is NOT DAY at this point.

  18. Day doesn't represent all of Salisbury. He's a niche interest mayor who thinks he'll run unopposed again. Never. Don't care if we have to move someone in just for this issue, will do it in a heartbeat. Jake proves why people don't value or appreciate that which is given to them without any effort or work. He's abused his position beyond repair. Time for him to be voted out.

  19. Psst - he has no power of relevance!

  20. I don't care about this marker, and I don't care about Jake Day's dumb post about the Paris Accords. I do care about the fact that the crime and drugs and schools are in such a state that I don't want my daughters to grow up in this town any longer. Those are the things he needs to concern himself with.

  21. LOL the little man is blocking people on FB. What a loser. What a little man. He needs to think twice about wanting a child when he can't even handle a FB challenge.

  22. Jake day has no perception of reality. He's completely dillusional

  23. Boy Mayor Day makes Barrie Tilghman seem almost palatable. Don't laugh Ireton. We've still got an eye on you buddy. I'm sure you've got your fingers in this some where. Oh that's right your fighting for rainbow colored crosswalks.


  24. Who/what will replace Day? Certainly not any of the commenters here, nor anyone who isn't funded by the landlord-real estate cabal, whose unlimited and unreportable PAC funding is out of the reach of any common local office seeker. Day will run and be reelected. Whiners will whine. Local money makers will make more money. The river will stay filthy. Downtown renovation will cost a bloody fortune. The council will rubber-stamp all that comes before it. Ireton will continue to prance about looking for a better paying government job.

    Nothing will change.

  25. 136 as long as you accept that nothing will change, you will continue to get the government you deserve.

  26. 117 Jake is very immature even for his young age. For someone who claims they're in the Army, he lacks the fortitude to deal with people who oppose him in anyway. His office consists of yes people who never correct his vision or tell him when he's way off base. If Glanz were an adult, she would right him but she won't because she's too busy saying yes all the time too.

  27. That's truly something to boast and brag about. Jake Day can't be unseated as mayor because he is in the back pocket of he lines of the Cannon's, Rinnier, Gilliss, Gladden etc the list just goes on and on. Proud moment there Salisbury your local corrupt politics in plain view and these guys think there above any wrongdoing

  28. There's a lot of people in Salisbury talking out of both sides of their neck. Jake Day how do you consider yourself a so called Christian, attending a presumed conservative based Christian Church, led by a so called bible based teaching pastor yet you side with so many things that go against scripture?

  29. I want to know this what are a lot of those good old boys out on Hebron and the uprising church saying about Day being a member out there, yet he supports so many liberal agendas, and now wants to remove a mere marker in Salisbury because it has a reference to Confederacy and the civil war. What's next will Day support atheist and try to continue to remove Christian beliefs and the bible. Bull cropper I thought you were stronger than this you have a regular old S *** storm brewing out there. Somebody better reel Day back in a little bit

  30. You said Jake Day.....is that Palmer Gillis alter ego?....

  31. Where's Salisburys original fairy god mother mike dunn in all this? Truly can't believe how he's taken such a hard left turn supporting all this newfound political garbage. Just goes to show you Salisbury you can't keep putting BOYS in to do a MANS agenda. They'll sell out every time if it's. Beneficial to themselves or people close to them.

  32. He got to carry on the previous gay mayor's tradition.

  33. removing history will provide jobs. at least until it's all gone. he must not be very [proud of his background if he wants to do this

  34. Have been wondering a bit lately if the City is following all Child Labor Laws regarding this mare. Have they confirmed that he has a work permit?

  35. Leave our history alone you MO Ron!

  36. History is History. It cannot be changed! George Washington owned slaves. These nuts will suggest tearing down Washington next, starting with the Washington Monument?

  37. Repeal the Mayor


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