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Saturday, June 03, 2017

On Demand Tears

Wayne Dupree was the man who called Kathy Griffin's reaction to people's upset over her free speech [sic]. As many saw her press conference, she cried as she relayed how her career was ruined by the Trump family for her distasteful display of disdain towards the President. She's even so broken up that she's hired attorney Lisa Bloom. You may not know her, but she's Gloria Allred's daughter. Need I say more?

Ah, the comedy otherwise known as Liberalism!


  1. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!June 3, 2017 at 8:07 PM

    Many are getting pretty savvy at calling these procedures by Liberals in their delusions. Kathy and Hillary should take a trip to London. New environment might do them both good. Oh, if we could only be so lucky.

  2. You knew Allred would have a hand in this somehow. Her daughter is just like her. They're both legal whores. Nobody did anything to Kathy Griffin. She did this all on her own. She knew what she was doing and just didn't give a sh**. No sympathy for her at all. Her career is toast. Good riddance.

  3. Remember when everything was the fault of President G.W. Bush. Now they have a new leader, President Donald J. Trump to take the blame. They skipped the last guy that was hold up in our house. Good thing our POTUS now can handle it. Lol

  4. She and Bill Maher can go on a victims tour!!!!


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