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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Obese judge rakes in cash for doing nothing at all

An obese judge did not do his $193,000-a-year job for over three years because he was too fat — and will still retire with a hefty pension even though an ethics panel found he milked the system, The Post has learned.

Acting Supreme Court Judge Daniel J. McCullough, 65, stepped down last month, after a state ethics probe determined that he “persistently failed to report to work” since April 2014 instead of going on proper medical leave.

Had he taken such leave, McCullough would also have taken a pay cut. His decision to remain an “active” judge prompted the state Commission on Judicial Conduct to find last month that McCullough failed “to respect and comply with the law.”



  1. imagine that, a judge who breaks the law! lovely should yank his pension.

  2. Let's go back to who appointed this blob!

  3. This government is ripe for milking by those who are in positions of power

  4. Nothing surprises me anymore about the government. I've become completely numb.

  5. He doesn't look as though he'll collect too many years of that pension.

  6. bet he's a democrat!

  7. How could he "step down" from the bench when he couldn't get up there?


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