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Friday, June 30, 2017

Obama-appointed judges dismiss Supreme Court ruling, continue blocking Trump’s immigration crackdown

President Trump may have won a partial victory at the Supreme Court this week, but other federal judges remain major stumbling blocks to his aggressive immigration plans, with courts from California to Michigan and Atlanta limiting his crackdown on sanctuary cities and stopping him from deporting illegal immigrants he has targeted for removal.

The judges in those deportation cases have rejected Mr. Trump’s argument that he has wide latitude to decide who gets kicked out, without having to worry about district courts second-guessing him on facts of the case.

Instead, the judges said, they get to decide their jurisdiction, and that extends to reviewing Mr. Trump’s immigration policy.

One judge in Michigan ordered the Homeland Security Department to freeze all deportation plans for about 200 Chaldean Christians arrested over the past two months and scheduled to be sent back to Iraq. Nearly every one of them has a criminal record.

A judge in Atlanta ordered the department to reinstate the temporary deportation amnesty — known in governmentspeak as the DACA program — for Jessica Colotl, an illegal immigrant Dreamer whose past made her a target for deportation, officials said.



  1. Publish every Judges home address and other personal info and let all the people flood him with nasty letters, emails, and harassment at his home! Maybe someone will even beat the crap out of him, and knock some sense into him!

  2. I just don't understand the dilemma or furor over illegal immigration. Would you let a complete stranger you know nothing about in your house ? These governments and protesters need to make common sense decisions. Wasting time. Just obey the law.

  3. NO federal judge is above the law nor are they above the supreme court... They should be barred and locked up... When are the people of this country going to grow some balls and stand up for rights, and what is right in general... Why are you all lazy fat stupid uneducated not giving a damn about anything people going to learn?

    My guess is you all love being slaves... And since you love being a slave, why don;t you come to my house and fix the landscape???? Slave!!

  4. 10:45 AM that should happen to all politicians and cops too... Then maybe, they will get the picture and do what is right under law... An eye for an eye I say...

  5. This ruling by the SCOTUS....the top court is the whole country tops anyone of these appointed Bozo's in these other locations? WTF's going on!?

  6. It really does seem like an elitist gov't and all their cronies are appalled by Trump being in the WH and upsetting their apple carts. They don't think Trump is worthy so they won't listen to him or do what he says

  7. Time to start impeaching and replacing these judges


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