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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Jay Sekulow, Donald Trump's attorney, says there's 'nothing to investigate' over James Comey firing

President Trump’s attorney Jay Sekulow reiterated Monday that “there is nothing to investigate” when it comes to the president’s decision to fire former FBI Director James B. Comey.

“As I’ve said for the last weekend, the president of the United States takes action receiving — a letter actually from his attorney general and a memorandum from his deputy attorney general. In that letter, there’s a recommendation for the removal of James Comey, and then he takes action for the removal of James Comey,” Mr. Sekulow said on Fox News.

“There’s nothing to investigate. That’s the constitutional rights and protections under the president’s authority as commander-in-chief,” he said.

Mr. Sekulow also defended his claim made over the weekend that Mr. Trump is not under investigation. Mr. Sekulowsaid the question posed to him asked if the president’s legal team had been notified by the special counsel as to whether the president was under investigation, which Mr. Sekulow denied Sunday.

He reiterated on CNN Monday morning, “I don’t know what they’re doing. I haven’t made that call.”

Mr. Sekulow even went so far as to say he couldn’t confirm there even was an investigation at all.



  1. Of course he's under investigation. Trump himself said so. Russia collusion doesn't even matter now. He fired the guy investigating his friend because Trump wanted to change the outcome. That's textbook Obstruction.

    The world has been laughing at America since Trump took office. Job growth is half of what it was. Insurance prices still going up from all this healthcare speculation.

    Get him out of there and get Pence in. Put a grownup in charge.

    1. Ok snowflake whatever you think..

    2. Can't you right wing fascist idiots think of a better come back than snow flake?

  2. I'm sure you could fix 10 years of disaster in a short 5 months, 1:54. I'll vote for you in the next election, I promise!

  3. Trump should have hired a constitutional scholar, and not an attorney. Even the attorney gets it wrong when he states “There’s nothing to investigate. That’s the constitutional rights and protections under the president’s authority as commander-in-chief,”

    The authority to fire the FBI director comes under the president's role as Chief Executive of the Administration. His Commander-in-Chief authority only covers the military. The FBI is part of the civilian institutions that the President oversees and administers.


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