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Friday, June 09, 2017

‘Inclusive’ LGBT group bans ‘Gays for Trump’ from Pride parade

Charlotte Pride, an LGBT rights advocacy organization in North Carolina and South Carolina, boasts on its website about being “inclusive,” but at the very same time, it recently banned a group from participating in its annual Pride parade because of their political beliefs.

Brian Talbert, leader of the group, “Gays for Trump,” received a letter recently from Charlotte Pride saying that his group couldn’t participate in the Charlotte Pride parade, which is scheduled for late August, WJZY-TV reported.

The rejection letter from Charlotte Pride said that it “reserves the right to decline participation at our events to groups or organizations which do not reflect the mission, vision, and values of our organization, as is acknowledged in our parade rules and regulations by all groups at the time of their parade application.”



  1. Gays against gays wow you cant make this crap up.

  2. Gay pride apparently has to exclusively be Liberal Democrat pride or it isn't valid.

  3. If I were Brian Talbert, I would solicit the city to cancel the whole gay thing, if my group could not be included. What a stupid gay thing to start with. Here we are again, they just have to go out in the streets and let everyone know they are gay, like we don't know just from looking at them.


  5. It seems about right. You cannot be "Gay and Conservative"! What a load! If you have to keep drawing attention to yourself to prove that you are "equal" then to me, you are not equal. Equality is achieved when no one knows who or cares what you are. They really need to give it a break.

  6. Political cannibalism (eating their own). Just goes to show, again, that the far left is so out there that if one does not agree with their ideology there is no place in "their" world. That mindset will be the end of that problem soon enough.

  7. This tells us the truth about the movement:

    It has nothing to do with sexual freedom.
    It is a political agenda to divide and conquer.


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