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Friday, June 23, 2017

I Love It, You?


  1. No good, I would "win" every time.

    1. I completely understand that one I guess you would win it I wouldn't have a chance on winning that one my wife won't have to call my phone because she'll be right next to me

  2. note to self - remember to turn phone off.

  3. My husband would never pay. I never call him.

  4. Mine either. Stupidest invention ever made. If the husband is going out to dinner the conversation can wait until he gets home. Everyone thinks they have to have one of these and be tied to it morning, noon, and night. They eat dinner with the thing stuck in their face. They walk down the street with the thing stuck in their face. They have supposed conversations with the thing stuck in their face. They drive cars with the thing stuck in their face. They go to bed and get up with the thing stuck in their face.
    I refuse to buy into it. I am not that important that someone needs the ability to "reach out and touch me" whenever they want to. If I'm at home, call the home number. If I'm at work, call the work number. If I am at neither of those numbers, I must be busy. Call back later.
    Also, an excellent way for the government to keep track of exactly where you have been all day, exactly who you have spoken with all day, and even what you said to those people. It is really not any of their business what I do in a days time or who I speak to during said day. Enough of my little cell phone rant. My husband wouldn't pay.

  5. 6:17 no you wouldn't.

  6. Cell phone are just like ankle bracelets except voluntary


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