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Friday, June 23, 2017

How The Baby Boomer Generation Began - The Drive-In


  1. Those darn films...get you in trouble every time!

  2. Joe, all of these reminders of my childhood are bringing back such fond memories. When young and as a family, we would go to the drive in with our own popped corn, watch the double feature, then be entertained with fireworks. When I was a teen, the drive in was the safest make out spot in town.

  3. Drive ins were as the kids say today (or maybe yesterday), - THE BOMB!

  4. The men's bathrooms used to have condom machines in them, sex was so prevalent at the Drive-in. Many a "Good Girl" came across at the Drive-in.

  5. I remember the one in Delmar. They had a special for a while a carload of people for five dollars. Didn't matter how many as long as they all fit in one car.

  6. The society lived as a community back then.
    Wow, how times have changed for the worse.

    Modern is not better.
    Technology enslaved us, it did not free us.
    I sometimes wish we could roll back time.

  7. Those old drive-ins were awesome. It was always a treat when my parents took me. In the eighties it was the place to go on dates because the one in Delmar actually played XXX during the weekend nights. Needless to say, no one needed sex ed after going. The one in OC is still there and you can see it all covered over with trees and moss if you go on Mapquest and look at the aerial. Its a shame they don't revitalize that industry. Much better way to watch flicks than sitting in a theater with screaming kids and teenagers talking on their damn cellphones.

  8. These were real fun, liked the scary movies best.


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