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Thursday, June 01, 2017

Hillary Clinton Is Now Blaming Inept DNC For Election Loss

Add an ineffective and bankrupt Democratic National Committee to the growing list of culprits that a bitter Hillary Clinton blames for her losing the 2016 presidential election.

Speaking at a Recode conference on Wednesday, Clinton roasted the DNC for falling behind the Republican National Committee in terms of voter and donor data analysis.

“Let me just do a comparison for you,” Clinton began.

“I set up my campaign and we have our own data operation. I get the nomination. So I’m now the nominee of the Democratic Party. I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party.”



  1. How long can a pity party carry on. I can't stand to look at it or hear it speak and am already starting to feel sorry for this skunk. lol

  2. She's had like what 20 excuses so far as to why she got her butt handed to her. Typical democrat will lie all day long instead of owning that she is a no good lying POS. She is nothing more then a slave to men. When a man says jump Hilary being the all obeying slave jumped. She lied for that nasty cigar wielding pervert she calls husband and lied for obama. People wanted a leader and not a rancid shell of something that resembles a human being. Time she sat down and shut up before she finds her rank arse rotting in federal prison where she belongs and needs to spend the rest of her disgraceful life.

  3. Every time she goes to the bathroom she loses IQ points. Hillary is a corrupt criminal who never deserved to be even the nominee for the Democrat party. If she did, she wouldn't have had to cheat to get it in the first place.

  4. She inherited a "thrown" primary from the DNC - her incompetence, criminality, and baggage (slick willy, chilly, and the pay to play foundation) kept her from getting elected. She should look in the mirror!

  5. Hillary math, like common core math...

  6. How do democrats tolerate her?She's like a bad dream that wont go away.

  7. Most democrats tolerate her because they are just like her. Anyone who identifies with that party that does nothing more then the devils work on earth is a very bad person.


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