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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

First family back in Washington after weekend at Camp David

The first family spent a little more than 24 hours in Frederick County over the weekend and President Donald Trump said he found Camp David to be “incredible,” “beautiful” and “very nice.”

It was the first family’s first visit to the presidential retreat on Catoctin Mountain, and it came one weekend after Melania Trump and the first couple’s 11-year-old son, Barron, officially moved into the White House.

The 143-acre rustic retreat features a presidential cabin along with dozens of others and amenities including tennis courts, a bowling alley, heated swimming pool, hot tub and a single golf hole with multiple tees.



  1. It's a beautiful place. They should spend more time there.

    1. Obama went several days a week for 8 years.

    2. President Trump hardest working president in history.

  2. Hardest working POTUS in history?

    I doubt that, sir.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 20, 2017 at 5:34 PM

    Obama spent more time playing rounds of golf than "working". I guess he tried to be like Tiger Woods, why not, right?In typical Democrat fashion, On Taxpayers dime ,of course. And his golf game still sucks!!! BUH BYE BARRY !

  4. Nice looking boy. He is almost as tall as his dad.

  5. Great looking family. We're proud to have them!


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