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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Eric Holder joins the anti-Trump resistance

More than two years after leaving the Obama administration, former Attorney General Eric Holder is re-entering the political fray.

His goal: to lead the legal resistance to Donald Trump’s agenda — and perhaps even run against the president in 2020.

Seized by a sense of urgency to oppose Trump and restore what he regards as America’s best self, Holder is mulling a White House bid of his own, according to three sources who have spoken to him and are familiar with his thinking.

“Up to now, I have been more behind-the-scenes,” Holder told Yahoo News in an exclusive interview about his plans. “But that’s about to change. I have a certain status as the former attorney general. A certain familiarity as the first African-American attorney general. There’s a justified perception that I’m close to President Obama. So I want to use whatever skills I have, whatever notoriety I have, to be effective in opposing things that are, at the end of the day, just bad for the country.

“Now is the time to be more visible,” Holder added. “Now is the time to be heard.”

On Monday morning, Holder launched this new phase of his career by traveling to California to speak out..



  1. Go away you POS.

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 21, 2017 at 2:39 PM

    Holder likes to be "more visible" and "time to be heard"? Sure. He should be charged for his involvement in Operation Fast & Furious, Gun Smuggling and Trafficking to Mexican Cartels, under the protection of his boss Barack. Putting him on trial would give him the spotlight and time to talk he so highly desires. Let's Make America Great Again!

  3. Looks like 21 states were targeted by a Russian hacking attempt during the election. But but Trump told us it wasn't true!?

    1. Liberal troll alert. How much you getting paid?

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 21, 2017 at 4:23 PM

      Targeted? Does it mean the Russians "telepathicly changed minds" of Millions of Americans on Election night? Wow, those Ruskis are Good! But we all know thats not the truth, just a political BS from the Liberal Left. As 2:51 said "It looks like ..." Sure, It maybe or maybe not, typical of CNN, MSNBC liberal talk, no facts, just Fake News.

  4. Time for the Right to "Resist"

    1. Should we burn our EBT cards, our Escalades, our Wix cards too?

  5. 2:51 - Move along. You lost - get over it - elections have consequences. And, you don't want me to start with 0's mouth full of bull$$it.

  6. No one will go to jail, sadly...

  7. Yep just checked Trump is still Holder's president.

  8. 3:43 I am over it. How about you stop sticking to the same old crap and actually refute an argument for once. Let me go ahead and get your next response out of the way for you. "Snowflake"

  9. 2:51

    And the Dumbocrats knew about it in July 2016 but refused to allow law inforcement to investigate and instead hired an outside group from the Ukrain.

    I guess they didn't want everyone to see how corrupt the dumbocrat primary process was.

  10. There are so many criminals in the democratic party Sessions don't have enough time to file charges against them all.

  11. 3:08, I'm right and ready.

    1. Me too! Bring it on you leftist aholes!

  12. 2:39 you forgot to add accomplice in the killing of an American Citizen / Border Patrol. That could even be described as conspired to kill a US Border Patrol agent. That is just what we need to run for President or represent America, " A Murderer".

  13. Anonymous said...
    Looks like 21 states were targeted by a Russian hacking attempt during the election. But but Trump told us it wasn't true!?

    June 21, 2017 at 2:51 PM

    So did Obama, bozo.

  14. Another criminal running for President! That's RICH! Hope he can apply before the indictments come down...

  15. Please run for President so you waste millions, fall on your face and cry like a wittle baby!

  16. plans? holder was and always will be a pos enriching himself at the expense of society! fits right in with all the democrats!

  17. Dude was found in contempt of congress. He should be embarrassed to show his mug let alone ever run for another public office. I have a feeling by the time the dust settles, especially if DOJ goes after Lynch et. al., the liberal base will change attitudes and see through these idiots representing them. Pelosi is on her political death bed and after the message sent by the results of the Georgia special election, the end is near.


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