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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Chelsea Clinton Scolds Steve Bannon for ‘Fat-Shaming’ Sean Spicer

A grouchy Chelsea Clinton took issue Tuesday with a joke reportedly made by White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon — accusing him of ‘fat-shaming’ White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

The former first daughter, who is definitely not running for political office anytime soon, was reacting to a report in the Atlantic about the scaling back of White House press briefings. The article included a text message Bannon sent to a reporter asking why fewer briefings were being held on-camera.

“Sean got fatter,” Bannon reportedly quipped.

The response did not sit well with Clinton 3.0, who accused the White House of “using fat shaming to justify increased opacity.”


  1. And we all know that Chelsea Clinton is the smartest person in the world, right?

  2. Who cares what the Clinton child says?

  3. So very typical of Libs. No sense of humor.
    I wonder where she was when Letterman brutally bashed Chris Christie with :fat jokes" for weeks on end about his weight?

  4. That's a guy thing to say. She should worry about her ugly self. Sean can lose weight. Chelsea's is ugly forever

  5. Who's your daddy Chelsea???

  6. Chelsea needs to quit worrying what others do and practice some personal hygiene. Her hair and face are always grease pits and her teeth are yellowed. She is already ugly looking so she needs to keep up what she was stuck with.

  7. 1108

    It is not Bill.


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