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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Baltimore businesses destroyed during riots sue city officials for failing to prevent violence

Dozens of Baltimore business owners are suing city officials, including the police department and former Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, saying they mishandled the city's response to the rioting in 2015.

In a nearly 700-page complaint filed in federal court this week, more than 60 plaintiffs say city officials failed to prevent the looting and rioting that erupted after the arrest and death of Freddie Gray in April 2015, despite warnings the city would experience violence.

More than 380 businesses, including many located south of North Avenue in West Baltimore, were damaged or destroyed. Property losses were estimated at nearly $13 million.

The plaintiffs are suing under the Maryland riot act statute, which allows parties to bring a claim against the city for property damage during civil unrest. They name Rawlings-Blake and former Police Commissioner Anthony Batts, who were in office at the time of the riots, current Mayor Catherine Pugh, the City Council, city police and the state as defendants. They are seeking an unspecified amount in damages.



  1. Good move, Use Democrat tactics against them.

  2. What would be constructive is to turn these looters and rioters loose in the dilapidated inner city and let them burn down uninhabited and unused falling down buildings etc. Then, as community service, have them plant grass and trees to make the area "green". Also, use some grant money and have a contest among gangs and make them rat catchers and pay bounty on the carcasses and trophies to the gang with the most.

  3. They should get no damages they allowed it to happen right there in front of their eyes. Nothing should have been rebuilt and they should never receive any funds. Those who destroyed it should build it at their own cost and receive nothing!

    1. the people that own the stores would like it done sooner than never

  4. 10:51 I like your thought but there is only one problem, Baltimore is run by Democrats.

  5. The State is not liable , since the Mayor has to ask for the State to intervene. Gov Hogan stepped in on his own since he observed the incompetent Mayor was not going to ask for State to intervene. Hogan stepped in so there would still be a Baltimore MD.

  6. 10:52...how do you expect a store owner to prevent this from happening when the hired hands (police) can't stop them?

  7. These businesses pay taxes and expect to be protected. I doubt the riots pay little or nothing in taxes The city let them down by allowing these thugs to riot and do nothing about it.

  8. Hopefully any other idiot Democratic mayors of American cities that plan on using the same strategy when the thugs get restless will take note and actually uphold the law next time.

  9. 10:51 they tried a bounty on rats in DC and the residents started raising them.

  10. Fat chance anything becomes of this. Baltimore paid Freddie Gray's family over $6M to celebrate the riots with.

  11. The store owners can't prevent it from happening but I don't believe they should rebuild their businesses in the same area, that just rewards bad behavior and destruction of property. The ones that do it don't care about your business and if you rebuild they just look at you as stupid. Don't reward bad behavior with good. If they have to go 20 more blocks for your business, or to another city so be it.

  12. Another example of blaming the wrong people. The criminals did this themselves and should be held accountable. As stupid as the politicians were, they are not responsible for the criminal behavior of a whole segment of society. This only hurts the people who actually pay taxes.

  13. who they should make sure that is named in that law suit is the ex Mayor Rawlings Blake and the Mosbys, the DA and her city council husband and a few others on that city council that let it happen...you must give them room to express themselves and room to destroy.....now the Mayor and those few on the council should have to cough up the costs of what she gave them the green light to destroy!

  14. I hope they win the case. The Mayor allowed this to happen. She should have asked for help from the state a lot sooner and much of the riots would have stopped right then.

  15. They should sue Limelight Lewis too. He and his merry minions were up there on our tax dollars standing around doing interviews on TV rather than serving and protecting.


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