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Thursday, June 29, 2017

After Breitbart Investigation, CNN Retracts Conspiracy Theory Hit Piece

Very Fake News

CNN has admitted it printed what President Donald Trump calls “very fake news” and retracted a demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President and his allies after a Breitbart News investigation uncovered significant inaccuracies and flaws in CNN’s work.

“On June 22, 2017, CNN.com published a story connecting Anthony Scaramucci with investigations into the Russian Direct Investment Fund,” CNN said in a statement late Friday night. “That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted. Links to the story have been disabled. CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci.”

The statement was sent out very late Friday evening on CNN’s Twitter account.



  1. CNN followed the liberal / progressive DemocRAT agenda and has been caught lying to influence American politics. Is this not the same as the Russian accusations? Is this not spreading hatred and anarchy against US democracy? MSNBC and the rest of the MSM should be put on notice that their game has been exposed.

  2. They should change the name to FNN the Fake News Network.

  3. Sent out late on its Twitter account? What about for everyone who doesn't use Twitter?

  4. WOW.

    CNN says they have "standards"???

    Pick the bar up off the ground. THEN you'll have some semblance of a standard.
    Right now, their standard looks like the back of a trash truck after a week of work.
    A so-called news organization with such an open agenda (harass, attack, embarrass, and say anything (lies are okay) should stop calling themselves a news network.
    Wonder why Trump whipped their aces so handily and no matter what CNN says or does seems to affect his popularity (Dems can't win an election for part time town drunk anymore)?
    Now, they want to make the craziest, stupidest, most whack person in the government (Maxine Waters) a leader?
    Looks like another election sweep is coming!
    If they could only find SOMEONE in their party who has actually DONE SOMETHING, other than get a degree in "Public Administration" and go directly into a career of telling people who HAVE done something how it SHOULD be done.
    Keep cheering.

  5. I'm not a twit...

  6. Mr. Scaramucci said that he accepted FNN's apology but for some reason, I don't feel that this will prevent a lawsuit from taking place.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm not a twit...

    June 29, 2017 at 8:51 AM

    That's a matter of opinion. lol. just kidding

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who watches CNN?

    June 29, 2017 at 10:52 AM

    Millions. Just like the people who slow down and stop to gawk at an accident on the highway for example.


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