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Friday, June 23, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Monument/marker @ Removing marker @ Salisbury Court House

Joe - Just got a reply from Bob Culver on the marker removal: "After some research, we have determined that the marker in question is owned by the State of Maryland. It is not my intent to remove it."


  1. Which roughly translates to "not my problem"

  2. I got the same reply. Although it may be out of his hands I do love his comment about "No Intentions to move it". No liberal there folks!!!!!!!!

  3. Fascism has come to Salisbury and Jake Day has signed on.

    1. What is fascism?

    2. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism ...

      3:49 Jake's could be a fake signature, as according to names on petition for removal Joe Albero signed it too

  4. It's hard to blame Day for something on county property.

    1. 3:47 He signed the petition for removal of marker.

  5. Don't remove this marker or ANY other historical statue or market. STOP erasing our history. The good, bad and the ugly MUST remain. How on earth will we know Truth if all semblance is gone? We Learn from our history so this nonsense Must Stop NOW!!!

  6. 4:59, The Liberals spoofed my name and put it on the petition. Do you really believe I'd sign up for something like that.

  7. Jake Day signed it...he made comments on his fb that he did....maybe Joes name was on there by others but Jake admits that he signed it.

  8. Those petitions are stupid from Change.org. I'm on their mailing list and wonder if i automatically sign all their progressive crap. Occasionally they put up something marginally legit, but most is idiocy.

  9. Jake Day needs to worry about sby rapes and gang crime instead of a sign.

  10. Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  11. It is owned by the tax payers of the state of Maryland. It belongs to US. Leave it alone. These people are just jumping on the band wagon to see how much trouble they can cause. Lets give them some. Jake Day is an ass to sign that paper to have it removed. It IS NOT his decision to make. It is the decision of tax paying Marylander's.


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