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Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Facebook Supporter Writes...6-22-17

Char Selby I just got word that the radical left wing BLM group will be out in full swing at Salisbury's third Friday event handing out their propoganda phamplets recruiting people for their cause, such as removing Civil War historical markers in downtown Salisbury based on racism and further causing division in our county, please contact Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver and voice your opposition to all removal attempts of any historical markers in Wicomico county, as they are located on country property.

Bob Culver
County Executive

If you are unable to use the E-mail link
Please use the Contact Form below
Send Message to Bob Culver

Government Office Bldg.
125 N. Division Street
Room 303
P.O. Box 870
Salisbury, MD 21803-0870

Ph: 410-548-4801
Fx: 410-548-4803


  1. He also starved POW's but we'll let that one slide eh?

  2. The American Taliban are among us.......

  3. take a few minutes to send an email....it's our right to have our voices heard.

  4. 10:51, says you. Let me guess, you were there.

  5. 10:51, let's not forget that they didn't have TV, cable and all the goodies Liberals pushed for today. Hey, since you were there and know so much, were they too released to Salisbury like all ECI prisoners?

  6. LOL Joe! Good one! I did in fact email Mr Culver and let him know my stance on this issue. Erasing history is not the answer. Removing that sign wont stop racism, etc. In fact, it may create more division.

  7. 11:22 someone let you roam wild. That's worse.

  8. And yet BLM allows their race to be portrayed as complete and utter ghetto idiots on shows such as Jerry Springer and Steve Wilkos? Why are they busy boycotting something that happened a 100 years ago when they can combat what is still going on today.

  9. ok ok ok lets also remove all of Harriet Tubman monuments away to

  10. 1138 when they try to combat what is going on today they are labeled as hate groups. Msn who are shot down by the police deserved so because of a minor mistake. That's the logic you idiots have

    1. BLM are domestic terrorist... law and order... get use to it.

  11. 1206 ah yes, one monument celebrates a man who supported racism and the other celebrates a woman who risked her life to free people from it

  12. You know, there could be a latent benefit to all of this statue and history eradication. If the BLM people manage to erase all of "our" history then on what grounds will they be able to demand reparations from the ancestors of those that no one will ever know about?

    Just a thought. I think that erasing one's history is a tremendous mistake but then again I'm just a dumb white guy who's family came over from Scotland after the 1860's.

  13. Rebel, so right. And what about the Free Blacks who owned slaves during the Colonial era. Will they have to pay reparations, too? See this is a brilliant example of people not thinking things through before opening up their fat mouths and starting this kind of time robbing fruitless pursuit.

  14. Most people in Atlanta didn't own slaves but the Union burned down the city in a scorch the earth campaign. Will they begin demanding reparations for their ancestors who lost massive property due to this Civil War? They should demand it from the Black people who they claimed the whole war was about in the first place. Let's just forget the fact it was started by a tariff dispute between the South and North. That's just too inconvenient!

  15. Let them keep it up. They are too stupid to see that everything they do backfires. God doesn't like their ugly and that is why all the officers are being found not guilty. It's the likes of they why Republicans have control of more state houses and governorships then ever before. They are why Trump was elected and why Congress is Republican controlled. They are too stupid to see the majority thinks they are trash and wants no parts of them or their politics. So let them keep it up. It only means more and more Republicans will be elected. We should be thanking them.

  16. I just called and was told that it will not be removed. (map)

  17. 1:12 I think actually the majority voted the other way there genius :) Trump won on electoral votes not the majority.

  18. Now let me see. This has been on location for how many decades and all of a sudden, it is racist. Get the heck outta here.

  19. 149 actually you are incorrect. There are many who indicate 7.9M people voted illegally in the 2016 election. Clinton claimed she won the popular vote by 2.6M that erases her win and thensome because illegals don't vote for GOP candidates. Shows how uninformed you are. You clearly haven't been keeping up with the information highways and byways. Nice try though.

  20. He was a traitor, take the sign down

  21. the democrats where the ones that set slavery up. No wonder they want to remove history at every chance.

  22. Who is the worst -- Fake Day or Jimbeau Ireton?

  23. Winder was the Commanding Officer for ALL CSA prison camps east of the Mississippi River. Under his command were commanders for each prison camp. In those prison camps, tens of thousands died of preventable disease and starvation. Winder, as Commanding Officer, knew the conditions and was responsible. It's a military chain of command thing. One of his commanders, Wirz, was hanged after the war for war crimes (the only person to receive such a charge in the war) that were committed at Andersonville, where 13,000 of 45,000 Union prisoners died of poor treatment.

    No, I wasn't there, Joe, but it's history.

    I think that the marker should remain to remind us that we are flawed, and that Salisbury history is anything but special.

  24. "Anonymous said...

    1:12 I think actually the majority voted the other way there genius :) Trump won on electoral votes not the majority.

    June 22, 2017 at 1:49 PM"

    The majority in the individual states. I know the majority didn't elect Trump. States elect a president and not individuals. But individuals do elect representative. This is the problem with you low life trash types-can't comprehend what you read. But that's okay. God will keep on punishing the likes of you and
    BLM and that is why blacks are blowing each others brains out in record numbers across this country and the police are being found NOT guilty. God hates thugs and their sympathizers. Each thug that dies we get the last laugh. They are evil worthless people who even God has no use for and are rotting in hell.


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