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Thursday, June 01, 2017

98-Year-Old Grandmother Writes 7,000 Letters to U.S. Troops Abroad

A grandmother from California has brought letter-writing to a new art form by sending hand-written letters to troops stationed overseas.

Alleen Cooper, 98, has written thousands of letters to service members since World War II and continues to write letters to the troops today, WGN reports.

Cooper, whose son served in the Vietnam War and has struggled with post-traumatic stress syndrome since the war, sent her son letters while he served regularly.

She said wanted to comfort soldiers who were in harm’s way or who were injured.

“One in Florida, he had to have a new ear and I’m sure he was very, very depressed,” Cooper told WHNT.

She began a tally of how many letters she has written six years ago, and has sent nearly 7,000 of them to date.

More here


  1. And I can't even get a Thank-you from my Nieces wedding in 2016 !

  2. I don't know how things are now, but we used to live for these letters.
    Getting mail from home was the high point of the day.

    This is time well spent if you want to be a blessing to somebody.

  3. 1019 kids today don't get taught manners. Hell, they don't even know how to write or read anymore. You'll be waiting an eternity for any thank you notes.


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