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Monday, June 26, 2017

5 Member Family Tells That They Live In A Small House, But The Interiors Show A Different Story

Small houses have become very famous in the past few years. These movable houses are so versatile that they can be parked anywhere and that to legally.

Bill and Brand Campbell from Minnesota gave up their 80-acre house and turned it into a sanctuary. This is a sanctuary for tiny homes and is built in an open natural space where people can easily park their tiny houses.

Bill says that ““A lot of people, they can go all day without touching the ground. I mean, cement, car. I mean just to be able to ground yourself in real world, the earth. A lot of people they never touch it,” Up until the time The Campbell's had a family and a career they did not think of getting rid of their property. But, once they were alone, they got this brilliant idea.

Bill says “The first house was because [Brenda] was a writer and she wanted to stay on the property to be in nature and get inspiration in her writing,”



  1. They are great if you are using a camper for camping, but for everyday living, I don't think it is a great way to live. Maybe as a temporary shelter for the homeless.

  2. Nice little vacation home.


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