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Friday, June 23, 2017

3 Va. teens arrested on drug and alcohol charges on the way to beach week

WASHINGTON (WJLA) - On Saturday, North Carolina State Highway Patrol officers stopped three teens they say were driving a car full of drugs and alcohol for speeding on their way to beach week in South Carolina.

Officers stopped the car for driving 76 mph in a 55 mph zone on NC 87, and smelled marijuana when close to the vehicle, prompting a search.

Police found 3.3 ounces of marijuana, 2.6 grams of cocaine, 18 liters of liquor, 50 liters of beer, drug paraphernalia and $3,600 in cash.

The three teens graduated high school on Friday night in Manassas, Virginia and were heading to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a week as a part of a group of 10 graduating seniors.



  1. M D 2020 Mmmmmmmmm

  2. You can tell they are kids!!! Drinking Budweiser, Mad Dog 20/20 and Smirnoff. Amateurs!!!

  3. Cocaine in high school, geez not good. Alcohol is the gateway drug.

  4. Should have gone to Ocean City instead. They could have gotten free bus rides.

  5. I like the way the cops laid it all. It looks like a display at a retail store or museum. Real professional job.
    3:39 The beer bong is a pretty good clue too.

  6. How did they graduate, no brains to speed with a car full of booze & drugs. Or were they absent that day ?

  7. They just wanted to party....Schools out for summer!!!!

  8. Guess the party is over!

  9. Maybe the cops should go after who sold them the booze. All were underage so who/what is the real problem here.

  10. You don't think they have a friend who is 21?


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