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Sunday, May 28, 2017

White House Budget Cuts Entitlements $1.7 Trillion, Slashes EPA 30%

The White House will release its “taxpayer-first budget” on Tuesday, which includes $1.7 trillion in cuts for entitlement spending and a 30 percent reduction in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) budget.

The Trump budget proposal will balance over the next ten years by cutting both mandatory and discretionary funding for agencies such as the EPA and State Department. The budget proposal assumes that the economy will grow at three percent compared to the 1.6 percent growth that America experienced in 2016. White House staffers explained that the proposal is a “post-policy” budget, meaning that the budget assumes that Trump signed the health care overhaul known as the American Health Care Act (AHCA) and tax reform into law.

The budget proposal will make substantial cuts into four entitlement programs, SNAP (food stamps), CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program), and SSDI (Disability Insurance). The Trump budget assumes that the AHCA becomes law, which would roll back Medicaid expansion. White House staffers told Axios that the budget would cut entitlement costs through an “emphasis on work requirements for able-bodied people.”



  1. Thank your new, beautiful leader! This ought to reverse Obama's last ten days of spending, but it's a beautiful start! No more 'gibs' for the freeloaders!

  2. Blacks, liberals, lazy people, and snowflakes will raise hell but guess what - THIS is one of the reason Trump won. Sick and tired of seeing you all "scam" and "game" the system. You know who you are.

  3. Love President Trump...by executive order: Turn in your Obama cell ohones, and get a JOB APPLICATION. Hoorah!!!

  4. As much as I would like to see the cuts, it is a long long way from a done deal. When the Dems and Reps get through putting stuff "back-in" the original budget
    will be beyond recognition.

  5. It's a start. 16 years to go...

  6. I bet this is only a small portion of what can and hopefully will be cut in the future. This is not anything that will be harming anyone or taking food out of their mouths, but cutting a small portion of fraud. Thank you President Donald J. Trump! The government is just as capable of the same fraudulent waste of taxpayer's hard earned monies. I hope this is just a start to get our country healthy again.

  7. The democrats are terrified of this and are bemoaning that this will kill people. The truth is they are afraid it will all work and make them look like the fools they are. Long time coming; AMEN!

  8. I agree with some of this but unless you look at all the budget changes you dont see the full picture. I agree that certain entitlements should be scaled back. I do no agree with the income it will funnel to big corporrations through tax cuts and subsidies. When does the corporate welfare end?

  9. One of the things I would like to see be done to the EPA is that the emails shared between EPA and groups like Greenpeace be exposed to show the collusion between them.
    Many of the EPA rules were created behind closed door and never took into account the effectiveness of the rule or the cost to implement.

    One such ridiculous EPA decision was declaring CO2 to be a pollutant.

  10. A applaud Trumps budget cutting but he should have cut EPA 100%.

  11. Cut the epa to 0 and cut most welfare. The Christian churches will take up the slack. Drug usage and crime will decrease and businesses will have people waiting in line to work.We wont need to bring mexicans and muslims here anymore.


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