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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Wasserman Schultz Threatened Police Chief For Gathering Evidence On Her IT Staffer’s Alleged Crimes

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with “consequences” for holding equipment that she says belongs to her in order to build a criminal case against a Pakistani staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches involving funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.

The Florida lawmaker used her position on the committee that sets the police force’s budget to press its chief to relinquish the piece of evidence Thursday, in what could be considered using her authority to attempt to interfere with a criminal investigation.

The Capitol Police and outside agencies are pursuing Imran Awan, who has run technology for the Florida lawmaker since 2005 and was banned from the House network in February on suspicion of data breaches and theft.

“My understanding is the the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate Members’ equipment when the Member is not under investigation,” Wasserman Schultz said in the annual police budget hearing of the House Committee On Appropriations’ Legislative Branch Subcommittee.



  1. Charge her for attempting to intimidate a law enforcement officer / interfering in an investigation / attempting to influence an investigation.

  2. What do you suppose is on that laptop that is making Lil' Debbie act like this?

    She REALLY wants it back. RIGHT NOW!

  3. I just sent her an unfavorable tweet, I know, trolling, but who cares! Tired of fake narratives to undermine the Boss! Just like with Lewis, I wondered why she has a profile picture, that seems to be the same since I graduated college, long ago! Go Sxxxxxxs! I really can't give them any credit, as the current president has no regards for rapes, enforcement of fake hate posts and vandalism, and also no regard to conservative student ideals or real world enrichment. I managed to be successful without needing my degree. Not a recommendation to not go to college, but I wish I went to a trade school.

  4. What is the threat?? Withholding sex? No points on that.

  5. That woman is as ugly inside as she is outside.

  6. Nothing is going to happen to this Bimbo, she is a Democrat.

  7. Um, why wasn't she arrested?

  8. She is one foul looking thing. It hurts to even look at her.

  9. She needs to learn the meaning of the word,"agent" as the cuffs are fitted around her wrists.

  10. Wait a second.
    The police, armed and ready to kill, just like old time highway robbers, took -- as in "give it to me or maybe go to the morgue tonight" --- STOLE over 6 BILLION (read that number out loud to yourself again) dollars from American citizens. Without charges or trial. Just at the point of a gun.
    Six Billion!
    No charges, and there better be no resisitance.
    She thinks they can't take her laptop? If she wasn't a Congressional theiving snake, they would have beat her right into the closest holding cell.
    A serf who did that would be hiring a very good lawyer and seeing a doctor for the next six months.
    Keep cheering.

  11. I agree that this woman fits the liberal profile, ugly as a mud fence. Can't believe they let her in public looking like that.

  12. I don't even think FLA wants her back!

  13. I swear in this picture she looks like Bubba J. If you don't know who that is google Jeff Dunham.

  14. I would love to see her sharing a jail cell with Hillary!


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