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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Wall around Obama’s DC home complete!

As Barack Obama waxes eloquent about the supposed negative impact of walls on humanity, crews have completed the wall surrounding his Washington, DC home.

Grabien reports:

Sitting alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former President Obama lectured the current administration about its immigration policy Thursday.

While not mentioning President Trump by name, Obama made clear to whom he was leveling his criticism.

“In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves,” Obama said. “We can’t hide behind a wall.”

More here


  1. Anti gun too but all his security people are packing.

  2. Constantly showing his hypocracy

  3. Isn't this picture his own new wall to protect himself, what is it he fears? The truth perhaps. This Isis ex-president is afraid of his own people.

  4. Like all liberals. Do as I say not as I do!

  5. Keeps all the crap from getting out into the neighborhood.


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