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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Shady Bunch


  1. Lock all of them up.

  2. Each turd pictured here have been losers from the very beginning. Why do they need to be in office with a lifetime membership?

  3. Participants in the new game show Moon Bat Squares.

  4. Except for Obama, everyone here is 70-86 years old and has more money than any ten thousand of us will ever see in a lifetime. And they're supposed to be in touch with us? Guess again.

  5. Their Russian baiting is falling apart and they look more ridiculous with each passing day they try to continue this stupidity. Let them. It's killing the Democrat party and establishment GOP. No sympathy for them. They're going by way of the Whigs. Does anyone remember the Whigs? That's what I thought.

  6. They should do this with all the losers at CNN and MSNBC and you would have enough for the Waltons and Eight is Enough.


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